Wood innovation in Finland

Finland is another country that is very developed in bioconstruction. Its enviroment has a very good quality, one of the best in the world. This can be, for exaple, because it a has a very pure air. This is because Finnish people:

  • Protect urban green spaces
  • Promote sustainable tourism
  • Contemplate the cleanliness of eutrophic waters
  • Regulate emissions in industrial plants
  • The promotion of renewable energies
Finnish people take a lot of care about nature and that's the reason why they build their houses with a minimalist and functional style, they optimize their energy resources and extol the simple beauty of their buildings. The most common material they use in the building process is wood.
They have innovated in the forest industry with the purpose of reducing greenhouse gases emissions and preventing fires. They have even developed the way for creating clothes made of wood, plastic coming from trees and cars fuel excreted by microbes.


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