
S'estan mostrant les entrades d'aquesta data: desembre, 2018

Wood innovation in Finland

Finland is another country that is very developed in bioconstruction. Its enviroment has a very good quality, one of the best in the world. This can be, for exaple, because it a has a very pure air. This is because Finnish people: Protect urban green spaces Promote sustainable tourism Contemplate the cleanliness of eutrophic waters Regulate emissions in industrial plants The promotion of renewable energies Finnish people take a lot of care about nature and that's the reason why they build their houses with a minimalist and functional style, they optimize their energy resources and extol the simple beauty of their buildings. The most common material they use in the building process is wood. They have innovated in the forest industry with the purpose of reducing greenhouse gases emissions and preventing fires. They have even developed the way for creating clothes made of wood, plastic coming from trees and cars fuel excreted by microbes.

Very developed countries in bioconstruction

In the world there many countries that use special thecniques or materials to favor the sustainable buildings, such as:  Colombia : they use special techniques to take advantage of water for sustainable buildings to save energy. They also reduce the emission of greenhouse gases. Brazil : they use vegetation, such as the creation of a green ceiling for keep the building cool (fresh) Mexico : they use double glass or low emissivity glasses for a good thermal insulation, they take advantage of sunlight through the orientation of the construction, and also they use solar, photovoltaic or biomass energy.  Chile : they take into account the quality of the interior enviroment, the water that the building has (whether it is part of the landscaping or if it is directly involved in its operation), the energy of non-conventional renewable resources, waste management and the incorporation of flora. Here you can see a video about a men that has used bio...

Spanish laws about renewables energies

In Spain there are some laws that regulate the using of renewables energies such as: The Real Decreto 2366/1994 on the production of electrical energy by hydraulic installations, cogeneration and others supplied by renewable resources or sources regulates the electric power of the special regime. This  Real Decreto  includes in the special regime facilities, waste, cogeneration plants, plants that use waste heat and hydraulic power plants, all with a power less than or equal to 100 MVA. In virtue of this  Real Decreto , the nearest distribution company has the obligation to acquire the surplus energy of these facilities whenever it is technically feasible. The sale price of energy is fixed based on electricity rates, depending on the installed power and the type of installation, consisting of a power term and an energy term, in addition to other complements. The law 54/1997 [110] of the Electricity Sector distinguishes the ordinary regime production of the ...

Ecological houses

What's an ecological house? A bioclimatic or ecological house is that one that get the optimal conditions of habitability with the minimum energy consumption. They are based in the fact of taking into account the orientation of the construction, the land and the surrounding nature. To build ecological houses we can take advantage of what the environment provides us, like: Housing orientation Sun control Wind control Maximum quality of views Here you can see some examples... An at the end of this post, we leave you a very interesting video. If you want to see it, just click on it!

Materials used in bioconstruction

In bioconstruction we use different types of materials depending on the structure we want to build. For example: Materials for structures and enclosures: Stabilized soil blocks Wood Stones Materials for walls: Cast Clay Wood  Materials for insulators: Natural fibers like cotton, cellulose,  straw, coconut, etc. Materials for finishings: Silicate, clay and lime paints Materials for the water conduction: High density polyethylene Polybutylene Materials for downspouts: Polyethylene Polypropylene Ceramics Molten iron Galvanished steel Materials for drains: Copper Cooked mud Polypropylene Materials for floors: Cooked mud Continuous mortar floors Wood Bamboo Linoleum