Materials used in bioconstruction

In bioconstruction we use different types of materials depending on the structure we want to build. For example:

Materials for structures and enclosures:
  • Stabilized soil blocks
  • Wood
  • Stones

Materials for walls:
  • Cast
  • Clay
  • Wood 

Materials for insulators:
  • Natural fibers like cotton, cellulose,  straw, coconut, etc.

Materials for finishings:
  • Silicate, clay and lime paints

Materials for the water conduction:
  • High density polyethylene
  • Polybutylene

Materials for downspouts:
  • Polyethylene
  • Polypropylene
  • Ceramics
  • Molten iron
  • Galvanished steel

Materials for drains:
  • Copper
  • Cooked mud
  • Polypropylene

Materials for floors:
  • Cooked mud
  • Continuous mortar floors
  • Wood
  • Bamboo
  • Linoleum


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